What we do and Why we do it
We here at Rod’s think about the infinite long term goals. One of our main goals is to have a secure working place that creates long term endless career opportunities for its team members. Along with that comes a successful business that takes care of the clients we have in our community. We want to tell you some of the things we do to help keep culture great, clients happy, and how we stay up to date with this very fast growing industry.
Culture- One of the biggest and most important that is focused on and continuously maintained by all management at Rod’s is the culture. The way we feel at work and the way work makes us feel is so important. We want to make sure that everyone is always happy with the work they have. Every quarter we do a team outing. That in the past has consisted of- cracked crab cruise, go-karts, bowling, ax throwing, out to the movies, demo derby, camping, shooting range, renting out brewery, and more! See our team photos
FAMILY and personal time are the most important to everyone and that should be worked around! We at Rod’s understand that our personal lives come first. Our kids' birthdays, our kids' sports games or school activities always come first. You don’t request time off here, you let a team leader know so we can adjust and work around your schedule.
FUN at work. Have you ever worked somewhere that for the entire time you’ve worked there you dont dread going in? We all love coming to work and voice that opinion often at our weekly team meetings. We have so much fun at work, it is far from boring, plus zero drama! We want everyone to feel comfortable to completely be themselves at work. We also like to play a prank or two sometimes
PERSONAL Goals. Each team member has a personal goal poster above their tool box or workstation that has their own personal goals on it. We as a team help hold each other accountable for achieving those goals and or assistance in helping them achieve them. We genuinely care about your personal life and goals and will always do our best to help you get where you want to be!
We HELP each other! There isn’t one team member you can’t go up to and ask for help and not feel dumb to ask a question. Even silly questions you won’t feel stupid because thats not what we do to each other. We want to help everyone on the team gain the knowledge they need to be the best they can be. We all share our knowledge and have zero problem doing it.
Rod’s provides both inhouse and external training for all of its team members. This ensures that we are constantly ‘on our game’ and be the best we can for our clients, their needs, and their vehicles' needs.
Rod’s continues to update the shop equipment for both the techs and the service advisors. We want to make sure that everyone can ‘win’ and do their job in the easiest and most efficient way possible.
Quarterly reviews are performed for each team member by their manager. Weekly one on ones are performed as well. The point of these meetings are to ensure that the team member knows how they are doing, to address any concerns and to make goals and plans to be successful and happy. We also make sure that everyone is happy and that culture stays good.
Progressive shop! We have been at the forefront of hybrid and electric vehicles with both in house and outside training for all of our technicians. We rebuild hybrid batteries in house and are one of the only shops around certified for Tesla.
Rod’s provides a life-time warranty on parts & labor for their clients. This means we trust our team to perform the best work possible, double checking their work before it leaves, and using the best parts available to us.
We here at Rod’s care about the environment. We use a paperless work order and inspection system. We recycle all metal, plastic, and paper that comes into the shop. We use 100% recycled paper in our printers if we do have to print anything. We make sure that all clients with leaking cars know how their vehicle leaks affect our environment.
Rod’s administration has security put in place for the ‘What ifs’ so we can protect every one that works here’s jobs. We have put in place plans to make sure that the business can still be open and run even if no manager or owner could be here. There are SOPs written up so that anyone can come in and read them and know exactly how things have been being done here so that the shop is still run the same without admin here. We want to make sure that our team members know that they will always be taken care of, even in our absence.
Opportunities for moving up- we never want any team member to feel ‘stagnant’ in their career. We want to keep growing and you to grow with us.
Changing the industry- one of Rod’s Teams goals is to change the way this industry is perceived. With our progressive technology, the true care from both our technicians and our advisors we are able to help build confidence in the client so that they feel educated enough to make proper decisions for their vehicles.
Giving back to the community. Each quarter we give away a car to someone in the community that needs a hand up! We understand that life can get tough and we do what we can by helping someone in a big way with a safe, reliable vehicle!
Team Building!

Goal poster making!

Axe throwing! Bellingham

San Juan Cracked Crab Cruise!

Rod’s Demo Derby car driven by Brittany

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